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Electronic Sound

As a contrast to George’s first album, Wonderwall Music, his second album is appropriately labeled as “sound.” Originally released on Apple’s short-lived experimental off-shoot, Zapple, Electronic Sound is quite the escape from the familiar. “Escape” is probably what George had in mind during the infamous Get Back sessions which were chronologically flanked by the two recordings on this disc.


“Under the Mersey Wall”

Composed byGeorge Harrison
Recorded byGeorge Harrison
End of principle recording February 1969
First release9 May 1969 in UK on Electronic Sound


“No Time or Space”

Composed byGeorge Harrison
Recorded byGeorge Harrison
End of principle recording12 November 1968
First release9 May 1969 in UK on Electronic Sound
NotesPortions of this recording were later flown into “I Remember Jeep” from the Apple Jam disc on All Things Must Pass.

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